by russ | Apr 30, 2014 | Pool Videos
Transform your backyard into a personal oasis with Pool Town’s Blue Lagoon Inground Pool The Blue Lagoon Style Inground Pool is one of the most popular free form style swimming pools that we sell. We have built hundreds of Blue Lagoon style pools across the...
by russ | Apr 28, 2014 | Inground Pools
Unfortunately there is much more to taking care of a swimming pool than pouring in some chlorine from time to time. Numerous factors, such as weather, outside conditions and chemicals used to help maintain a lawn can drastically impact the clarity of a pool. Nitrates,...
by russ | Apr 23, 2014 | Questions and Answers
Here is advice and input: Your pool water turned green most likely because of an algae bloom in your pool water. When you shocked the pool and added the copper algaecide you might have oxidized the copper in the algaecide. What I would do if I were you is take a...
by russ | Apr 23, 2014 | Questions and Answers
Saltwater is an expense when it is installed, but after that you do not have to add chlorine, as salt makes chlorine. This saves you $60 for every bucket you buy. Salt is softer on your skin. The new salt systems are great, as they monitor and clean themselves. You...
by russ | Apr 23, 2014 | Questions and Answers
Cloudy water can be caused for a number of reasons: poor filtration, imbalance of chemicals in your pool such as total alkalinity, pH, calcium hardness and chlorine, imbalance of total chlorine and free chlorine (referred to as chlorine demand), etc. It could also be...