by russ | Apr 10, 2014 | Pool Buying Tips
Salt Generators make maintaining your pool water a lot easier. A lot of people think that salt systems avoid chlorine but that’s not the case. They are actually CHLORINE GENERATORS. They are expensive up front but may save you money and time over the long run as they...
by russ | Apr 10, 2014 | Pool Buying Tips
Pool lights provide safety and create a nice atmosphere at night. They will show imperfections when on, especially with certain liners. (See “liners” above). Some complain about them attracting bugs but if that happens you can turn them off. Standard white light This...
by russ | Apr 10, 2014 | Pool Buying Tips
Gas heaters (Natural gas and propane) These are the most powerful heaters. They will heat the pool fast and to high temperatures. If you want to heat a pool during cold weather or be able to heat a pool on short notice this is the heater to have. They are, though, the...
by russ | Apr 5, 2014 | Pool Buying Tips
Aluminum coping This is the standard coping that comes with most pools. It is made out of aluminum and it’s colored white. It can be repainted if it is scratched or faded. It is relatively smooth and easy on skin and bathing suits. Cantilever coping (About 50% thicker...
by russ | Mar 23, 2014 | Pool Buying Tips
Make sure the builder is following your town’s codes. Check with the zoning board to find out what kind of permits and fees are involved with building a pool. Check several sources of financing to make sure you’re getting the best deal. Dealers and builders can often...
by russ | Mar 22, 2014 | Pool Buying Tips
You have two options when buying a pool: above ground or in-ground. The cost for an in-ground pool starts at about $20,000, and varies depending on the size of the pool and degree of customization. Other details, such as decking, landscaping, safety equipment,...